
Global Refugees Crisis

“We cannot close our eyes to the plight of refugees and the suffering of innocent people forced to flee their homes. It is our moral duty to provide them with shelter, protection and hope for a better future.” – Ban Ki-moon


There are over 26 million refugees worldwide

An additional 4.2 million people are asylum seekers, meaning they have fled their home country and are seeking protection in another country. More than 80% of refugees and asylum seekers are hosted in developing countries, with Turkey, Colombia, Pakistan, and Uganda hosting the largest numbers.

In addition to refugees and asylum seekers, there are also 48 million people internally displaced within their own countries due to conflict or persecution.

Why we need your help

According to the UNHCR, over 100 million people have now been forcibly displaced worldwide as a result of ongoing conflicts and crises in countries like Afghanistan, Ethiopia, Myanmar, Palestine, Syria, and Yemen. This means 1 in every 78 people on earth has been forced to flee – a dramatic milestone that few would have expected a decade ago.

We are dealing with the highest number of forcibly displaced people since World War II, and the root causes are stark: conflict, violence, climate change, poverty, and violations of human rights. 

Why give with HADI Relief?

  • We partnered with local communities who are working on the ground.

  • Our top priority is to ensure that the maximum amount of your contribution goes towards assisting the most vulnerable individuals.

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Donate This Ramadan

Remember the millions of refugees around the world who are displaced from their homes and struggling to survive.  Let us show them compassion and generosity during this blessed month.

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